We are a team of researchers and students at Brown, MIT, Harvard, Mass General and elsewhere. We care about getting information out there.


Emily Oster

American economist, professor at Brown Univeristy, and bestselling author

Galit Alter

Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and a Group Leader at the Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard

Olivia Marks

Web Development Engineer

Sarah Hsu

Third year medical student at the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University and Master’s student in Population Medicine

Jeff Hsiao

Ph.D. Student at MIT and the Ragon Institute

Sofia Sacerdote

Sophomore at Brown concentrating in American Studies with a focus in narratives of health, medicine, and trauma.

David Wingate

Senior at Brown studying Economics and Environmental Studies.

Anagha Lokhande

Recent Brown graduate and incoming MD candidate at Alpert Medical School

James Okun

Senior at Brown studying Applied Mathematics-Economics and Computer Science. He will be Predoctoral Fellow at MIT in June.

Nivea F. Luz

Postdoctoral researcher at the Jamieson Lab in Brown University interested in understanding the inflammatory response in response to respiratory infections.

Ashley Battenberg

A junior at Brown studying biochemistry with a focus on structural biology and medicine.

Jonathan Herman

Postdoctoral researcher at the Ragon Institute.

Will Perkins

Assistant professor of mathematics at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Susan Johnson

Immunologist in the private biotech sector in San Francisco. Trained in immunology and infectious diseases at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute and the WHO collaborative centre for neonatal vaccinology at University of Geneva.

Lindsey Shultz

Physician and public health analyst interested in harms reduction, health policy, & science communication (MD/MPH)


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